Tuesday, 25 March 2014


I am sorry to say that I took an overdose last night. It was unintentional and I did not realise the extent of my pill consumption until it was too late and I had to be admitted to hospital. It was a harrowing experience and I am lucky I did not do any permanent damage to myself. Recovery oscillates between the ups and downs and I want to be honest and open about some of the unpleasant consequences a mental health condition can have. Thank you for all the messages of support- they have been an inestimable help.   


  1. Georgia, I'm so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you. Claire x

  2. Georgia, hang in there, you are a beautiful girl with a lot to offer. i will write again but i just want you to know that my thoughts are with you all the way from Australia. xx

  3. Oh goodness, Georgia! I'm so pleased that you are okay(ish) and my best wishes to you, Amanda x

  4. Georgia, I have only jsut seen your post. I have been exactly in the same place. Thinking of you and hoping things improve for you soon.
